
If you're interested in biomechanics, assistive devices, and mechanism design, the following courses taught by Prof. Sujatha Srinivasan are freely available on NPTEL: Mechanics of Human Movement, Theory of Mechanisms & GIAN2023.

The National Centre for Assistive Health Technologies was established by the Indian Council of Medical Research and operated by the TTK Center for Rehabilitation Research and Device Development at IIT Madras. This center serves as a showcase and experience zone for research and development in assistive technologies (AT), aiming to empower users by demonstrating the potential of technology while reducing bias among engineers, developers, policymakers, and the general public. It fosters interactions between users and developers/policymakers, offering training resources for AT professionals and NGOs and ultimately enhancing AT solutions and policies.

Touch FREEDOM is a user-centric virtual program driven by a team of peers with SCI and therapists that provides functional training that translates to community participation. Within Touch FREEDOM, two synchronous programs are feeding into each other.

The Arise Standing Wheelchair requires a prescription. If you're a potential user of Arise or a medical professional interested in prescribing Arise, this is for you.

CREI, an informal organization, is dedicated to revitalizing engineering in India and globally, engaging stakeholders from business, industry, public policy, academia, and civil society. Membership involves sharing personal information and actively contributing to the organization's goals. Its initial activity is hosting internet-based seminars where members and guests exchange ideas on rejuvenating engineering worldwide. Plans include expanding activities and forming groups to support the organization's objective of fostering engineering innovation and leadership globally.