Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) results in paralysis, which is the most obvious symptom. This translates to a loss of physical movement, bladder and bowel control, sensation, and a myriad of other secondary complications. Applying WHO’s estimates, there could be around 500,000 persons with SCI in India and about 15,000-20,000 incidences yearly. However, the number of rehabilitation facilities specializing in rehabilitating persons with SCI is a handful, translating to less than 3000 beds a year. This shows a huge gap in rehabilitating individuals with SCI, and additionally, the rehabilitation programs currently imparted don’t have any national standardization and often don’t translate to community participation. 

Touch FREEDOM: Touch FREEDOM is a user-centric virtual program driven by a team of peers with SCI and therapists that provides functional training that translates to community participation. Within Touch FREEDOM, there are two synchronous programs feeding into each other.


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