National Center for Assistive Health Technologies 



The National Centre for Assistive Health Technologies, IIT Madras (NCAHT-IITM), inaugurated on 17 June 2023, is an initiative of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and implemented by the TTK Center for Rehabilitation Research and Device Development (R2D2), IIT Madras. The centre is a showcase centre and experience zone that enables R&D in AT. The centre envisages user empowerment by showing the possibilities through technology, minimising unconscious bias in the minds of engineers/AT developers, policymakers, general public and paving the way for better AT solutions and policies. This centre will act as a platform for user-developer and user-policymaker interactions and, at the same time, serve as a training resource for AT and rehab professionals and NGOs.

Assistive Technology (AT) experience zone 

The experience center envisages user empowerment by showcasing the possibilities through technology and minimizing unconscious bias in the minds of engineers/AT developers, policymakers, and the general public. Furthermore, the interactions can pave the way for better AT solutions and policies.

AT capacity building center 

Regular training activities at multiple levels are a part of the capacity-building center. Wheelchair Skills Training programs educate wheelchair users on choosing and using devices appropriately, navigating steps, getting onto an auto/bus/train, repairing their device, etc. As part of the virtual skills lab, a repository of video resources is available (Touch Freedom, in collaboration with the Ganga Foundation), displaying wheelchair skills for users worldwide. 

Wheelchair users

The wheelchair skills program aims to educate users in choosing suitable devices, appropriate usage, and troubleshooting using local resources. 

If you are interested or know anyone who might be interested in joining our wheelchair skills training program,

Innovation hub 

To promote the development of user-centric design and entrepreneurship. The center is developing newer versions of a sit-to-stand and walking device named ‘Saathi’ for children with cerebral palsy. In addition, development of a lightweight wheelchair and an upgraded version of a swimming pool lift is in progress. 

Open innovation portal 

An online portal is a part of NCAHT-IITM, with well-curated open-source designs and problem statements from academia, students, and innovators, and it has the vision to assist users in fabricating devices locally.

AT policy/best practice research and guideline drafting 

Aim to roll out well-thought-out policies that enable users and AT developers to benefit the ecosystem. The aim is to create a knowledge base of best practices and AT policies to constantly be at the forefront of AT innovation, development, and provisioning. 



Artabilities 4 All

The “Artabilities 4 All Wall of Fame” is an inspiring platform dedicated to showcasing the exceptional creativity of artists with disabilities. This event promises to be a celebration of their diverse and unique artworks.

Sports 4 All

The event's main objective is to showcase that everyone can actively participate in sports and games regardless of their abilities. 

Upcoming Events


National Centre for Assistive Health Technologies, IIT Madras (NCAHT-IITM)

A - 08

IIT Madras Research Park

32, Kanagam Road, Tharamani

Chennai - 600113
