Resources Related to Arise Standing Wheelchair

The Arise Standing Wheelchair requires a prescription. If you're a potential user of Arise or a medical professional interested in prescribing Arise, this video is for you (last updated January 28, 2021). The TAMIL version is now available (last updated March 3, 2021).

This Arise Standing Wheelchair (Arise SWC) Awareness Video will answer the following questions:

Currently, this video has text in English. It will eventually have audio in multiple languages, and please bear with us as working under the constraints of the lockdown has been difficult. Stay tuned for updates. 

Forms required by a medical professional to determine suitability, prescribe and check out the fit for Arise are:

The Clinical Team of R2D2, IIT Madras, has created the forms

For product-related queries or to place an order, please get in touch with the manufacturer, Phoenix Medical Systems, at 1 800 425 3503 or by Whatsapp at +91 9003271999 or by email at

We will add more people to this list as we complete the Training Workshops in different parts of India. The workshops have been delayed due to COVID-19.

We will conduct Training Workshops for the assessment, fitting and training related to Arise across India in the coming months. The following videos are from online workshops we conducted due to COVID-19 travel restrictions last year.